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We are back after a long holiday, and have some exciting news! We are testing a new podcast format, so the show will last for 30-minutes then transition into call-in questions. Our show operations will mostly continue as normal in June, but we're really changing things up come July.
For today's show, we're exploring wealth manifestation. Here's what you need to know—
In a world with dwindling resources and rising expenses, how do you come out ahead? The powers at large have yet to fully destroy the money machine, so we are forced to stretch our personal finances beyond unfathomable limits. Will it ever end?
“Go out and live your dreams by making them come true!” Without bashing the whole “Eat Pray Love” movement, a mindset filled with toxic positivity doesn’t do anything to pay your bills. Aside from the obvious things like getting a second job or side hustle, how do you make more money in these trying times?
Join Uranian Astrologer Dr. Ernesto Spaceman and Mystic Viretta PhD for this conversation about creating your own personal economy so you can get the things you want in life!