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We've all heard of vision boarding. guided meditation, and the like. But what's good for actually manifesting the things you want in life? To what extent can you rely on wishful thinking? How is all of this different than prayer?
In today's episosde we explore different methods to attractinfg the things you want in life, by means of transforming your inner world. There is a definite, noticeable "progression" of the people and things you manifest in life, which is proportioinal to your own life experiences and personal growth.
Sometimes, though, we get caught up in old programming or self-sabotage intended to distract or deter our pursuits. In some cases, this type of behavior is a carryover from another life. And while this episode isn't about past lives, such awareness elevates your consciousness to do better for yourself because these are only themes you need to resolve before moving on; you already did the heavy lifting and experienced the pain related to those matters, but your soul chose to iron out those matters before moving forward.
We'll explore all of that in this episode. Free readings in this show will be about how to benefit from your thinking to get the things you really want. Viretta will address the metaphysical side of things, while Ernesto analyzes the psycho-spiritual end of things.
Uranian Astrology is so much better when you can see it. so be sure to watch live! We have all our links in one place so you can find us easily!
Show is from 7-8pm AZST but the stream is scheduled for 90 minutes in case we go over.