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Awareness within The False Matrix with Rene Hamilton

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Enhancing Awareness Radio

Enhancing Awareness Radio


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This will be a segment with a special guest Rene Hamilton to discuss The False Matrix. Its been said that we live in a holographic universe and most things are not real but rather figments of the collective dream? Tune in to find out what Rene has to say about the False matrix, the collective dream that we Ive in, living in the moment, the six scenes and so on. Rene is an empowering advocate in the Spiritual community and has been doing this work well over 30 years. Please join us and lets enhance our awareness.


Rene's Website: http://innersoultech.com/


If you have any questions, what to talk with the host, or any featured guests, maybe you have suggestions, please email the show at enhancingawarenessradio@gmail.com

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If you desire a reading please email me @ hurutheoracle@yahoo.com

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