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The Relationship Cafe' is discussing how the culture has influenced our view on conditional and unconditional love. As we all have our preferences , idiosyncrasies, and particular tastes and needs, which have been conditioned by our upbringing, religion, society, and experiences; we are going to explore the difference between conditional and unconditional love, along with it's different versions.
Garrick & Leesah's Relationship Cafe with Tamara Hill, Adjusting your Parental Relationship: Letting go of your Adult Children
*Setting your child (ren) free for adulthood
*Recognizing and Respecting your Differences
*Sharing your wisdom and insight without being critical
Introducing Garrick & Leesah Vann on the Relationship Cafe with Professor Kaba and Philippe "SHOCK" Matthews
Please Enroll Garrick & Leesah’s Free 5-Day eCourse: The Marriage Minute
Also checkout their exclusive one-time offer: Marriage Trees: The Concept and Challenge of Becoming One By Garrick & Leesah Vann
To contact Garrick & Leesah Vann on relationship suggestions, coaching or questions please email:
If you would like to call in on this show to speak to the hosts, please call 929-477-3423 and Press 1 if you would like to join the show to get in the caller Que.