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Greetings Family ,
Thursday March 7 at 8pm EST and 7 Central
E.A.R Enhancing Awareness Radio wants to present to you Divine Masculine Revealed Premiere -A Communion between Brothers. This Broadcast means a lot to us for we want to have a safe space for all of us men to talk and speak on healthy conversation. This has been a long time in the making and its finally being manifested.
As a man how are you healing your internal traumas? Are you aware of the attraction and vibration that surrounds you? Now is the time that us men come together from all walks and all creeds to finally have the conversations that need to be had.
We also inner-stand that all of us men will not agree on every situation or walk of life yet this is the Stage where we will agree to even disagree in healthy dialogue.
Please Join us for this Premiere Broadcast!