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Garrick & Leesah's Relationship Cafe Featuring Philippe SHOCK Matthews

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Enhancing Awareness Radio

Enhancing Awareness Radio


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Please join Garrick & Leesah's Relationship Cafe' featuring Philippe SHOCK Matthews, "as being the Marcus Garvey of the present day" --Kaba Hiawatha. Brother Philippe has thought provoking conversations with world class thinkers, social entrepreneurs and change agents on the topics and subjects of Critical Race Theory, Social Justice, Anti-Racism, Epigenetics, Kemetic Science, Metaphysics, Healing and Racialized Poverty.

The Philippe Matthews Show has over 4 million readers, listeners and global viewers. Philippe has appeared on CNN and as a Internet Marketing Expert; along with authoring 10 Amazon Bestselling books. 

Philippe "SHOCK" Matthews LIVE!


Internet Marketing Technologist featured on CNN

Best Selling Author



Oprah of Internet







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