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Spiritual SOL Sunday- Your thoughts create your reality! Wayne Dyer
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<3 We blame the world for being shitty, when we ought to be taking responsibility, for where we are placing our attention, in any given moment. - No one forced you to describe the world as shitty, nor is anyone forcing you, to pay attention to negative idea's or stories about life! - We blame life for our negative feelings... Yet at the same time, we cannot see, that we are trying to ( NOT ) take responsibility for where we are placing your energy! ... We continuously try and avoid taking responsibility for how we feel, by blaming life for not being perfect! - However, perhaps it is our ideas, thoughts and beliefs, about life, that are imperfect!? - For we cannot accept the idea, that we can be perceiving / interpreting / life incorrectly... So we assume that they way, that we are seeing reality, is 100% totally perfect & correct! - Thus when we see a problem with life?.... We attack life, rather than fix, expand, or correct, our perception of it. <3 This is self Deception at its finest! - If you get real with yourself, you will experience a higher level of intelligence, where life makes sense, and we recognize that "blame" is nothing but an emotional childs game, that we never grew out of! <3
- Rene Hampikton