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We know our kids are unique, wonderful, frustrating, always-evolving beings. As parents … and as teachers, aunts, uncles, adults who care about the planet … how can we know what our children need to be healthier and to thrive in the world? Rates of depression and anxiety are rising in our kids, and consciously awakening parents are looking for new tools. Julie Hatch is here to share her views on holistically raising kids from the inside out.
Julie Phillips Hatch is a pediatric nurse practitioner, an acupuncturist, a parenting specialist, and a mom. She is a traditional western medicine practitioner, turned alternative holistic practitioner. Her passion has always been helping kids. She spent many years working in pediatrics, first in pediatric intensive care, then in neonatal intensive care. Eventually her focus shifted, and she found her way into the realm of eastern medicine and holistic health. Julie’s new book is A Parenting Revolution for Higher Evolution. Find out more about Julie and her work at