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Brother Prater

ReConnect My Heart Podcast


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Although life's problems can break or tear our hearts apart, on ReConnect My Heart Podcast, we'll discuss God's answers to life's problems, to ReConnect our hearts BACK to the way God originally made us! This program will discuss issues such as: Relationship Problems, Divorce, Dating, Love, Insecurities, Low Self-Esteem, Conflicts with Others, Forgiveness (For Yourself & Others), Family Issues & much more.

On-Demand Episodes

If God opened a door for you right now, would you be ready to walk through it? Sadly, many folks would have the door closed on them because they're not ready or they wouldn't recognize when it was open. On this show, we will talk about... more

On this show, we will talk about the importance of choosing quality folks in your life, tools to determine the toxic ones, & much more, in the episode called- What's the Net Worth of Your Network (Evaluating the Folks in Your Circle)!... more

Reset for Progress (Replay)

Reset for Progress

On this show, we'll have guest Norma Brooks talk to us about the 2nd Annual Charity Brunch event about Domestic Violence (October 19) & much more in the episode called, Sound the Alarm! (Bringing Awareness to Domestic Violence)!... more

Do you find yourself stressed or always handling other folks' business? Well, just because folks want your participation doesn't mean that they need your participation. You have to learn to pick your battles wisely & let God show you... more

Shake It, Not Stirred (Waiting & Trusting God for Direction)

Deliverance from Doubt

Thank You Mr. Heartbreak (Living & Learning from a Failed Relationship)

Building Up Your Confidence

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