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Fashion Designer of The Decade: Mark Roscoe

  • Broadcast in Culture
Sabrina Williams

Sabrina Williams


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Fashion designing takes a lot of time, tenacity, talent and great team to be successful. Join Sabrina has she talks to Mark Roscoe (http://www.markroscoedesign.com/ ) about his unique creations of dresses, ties and his passion for charities and raising awareness of issues that impact our society. Some including cancer awareness, homeless vetrans and helping women that do not fit it the fashion world of a  size "4".  The Diva wil also talk with the photographer and owner (Dave M Garcia) of DMGfotografia De Moda. He will share what he likes about working with models on the runway. Our musical guest will be Ms. Gorgeious Frazier who will be disuccsing her debut ablum (No Filter Needed).
Shows airs at 8pm PST/ 10pm CST.

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