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I Could Not Find a Man so I Settled for You &Guest Musician Lady Princess

  • Broadcast in Culture
Sabrina Williams

Sabrina Williams


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The Diva talks to two great women of God.

Althea Richardson (https://www.facebook.com/althea.richardson?fref=ts) resides in Houston, TX with her husband of 14 years, Pastor Ben D. Richardson II and two young children. She is the 1st Lady of Unity Ministries and she has been in the ministry of help for over 20 years.  In 2013 at the age of 41, she received a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a specialization in Christian Counseling, Crisis Counseling, and Life Coaching. In December of 2014, she received her Master’s in Human Services with a specialization in Marriage and Family Counseling. Her passion lies in seeing women freed from their past, helping them understand God’s purpose for their life, and moving them forward in victory. Her future plans are to open a women’s home for domestic violence victims and their children

Princess Cockerham is a native of Miami, Florida. Since coming into the music & entertainment industry she has been known as Lady Princess. She is a 27 year old wife, mother, and teacher. She teaches high school students in Ozark Alabama. She has been singing in the church since she was 6yrs old. In 2008, she responded to the call of God to minister through song and she has been walking in her destiny ever since. She says that it is her 'gifting, passion, and calling to sing for the Lord' and seeing it impact God's people is her life's goal.




Twitter: @LadyCockerham

Facebook: www.facebook.com/LadyPrincessMusic

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