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Tee Spence and Mark Ala Fiddlers musician

  • Broadcast in Culture
Sabrina Williams

Sabrina Williams


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ark Ala Band Bio Mark Ala doubles on Fiddle and Pedal Steel Guitar, in addition to Lead Vocals. He began playing pedal steel guitar in 1974, and fiddle in 1976. He is mostly self taught on both instruments; however he has had instruction on the pedal steel under Blackie Taylor and Al Perkins. Mark himself has taught both instruments to numerous students over the years. He has recorded for producer and country music artist Al Perkins, as well as the bands Frontier Justice, Saddletramp, Cheyenne, and the Tony Corrales Band. His fiddle and pedal steel guitar were featured in a professional music video by the Tony Corrales Band, entitled "She's Got One Hell of a Memory", which can be viewed on YouTube. During his eight year tenure with the band Cheyenne, Mark wrote and performed original songs, and recorded three albums And other artist. Tee Spencer, Holly wood, diva, radio host. Postive Power 21 team

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