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My depression stays in check because I do the following. I have #boundaries. 2. I take #naps and go to #sleep on time. 3. I have #supporters and #encouragement. 4. #exercise (#swimming and #weightlifting) 5. Eating #healthy foods that will give me #energy and not laden with to much sugar or salt. 6. I #travel (#staycations, taking planned #vacations,#solotravel). 7. I spend time alone just to relax ), clear my mind and do #positive #self-talk. 8. I am okay not being okay at times 9. I always have joy and my #faith in #God. 10. I read and #journaling You have to find what works for you. Yet, know not taking of yourself only makes things worse than they are. Please know 211 ( in all states in USA can give referrals for #counseling, #domestic violence shelters, #foodbanks, etc).