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Calling me an "UNCLE TOM, OREO, IDIOT, DUMB, YOU DON'T LOVE YOUR RACE, ARE YOU SURE YOUR BLACK? , I UNDERSTAND YOUR PEOPLE MORE THAN YOU DO, SHAME ON YOU, WHERE IS YOUR PRIDE, YOUR SO LOST, YOU ARE LAUGHABLE, because I don't agree with a person's opinion or everything they are saying is just sad. Before, some start with it was from a particular race it was not. I have heard from many. ❤ . I will continue to pray. However, I am going to love all unconditionally, because God, the Lord Jesus, is bigger than all of US. ❤ . We are one humanity, because our blood is not identified by a race, creed or color. Neither is life saving plasma or giving an organ. ❤ . The whole story will be shared tonight. Please feel free to share with others.
The body of man is like a flicker of lightning existing only to return to Nothingness. Like the spring growth that shrivels in autumn. Waste no thought on the process for it has no purpose, Coming and going like dew.
- Van Hanh, 1018, Vietnamese Buddhist Translated by W. S. Merwin