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12 Years on the air!!! Word of Mom Radio ~ Empowering, Encouraging and Engaging Mompreneurs and Business Women World-Wide! Wanting to give women a voice, Founder Dori DeCarlo launched her show, The Mompreneur Model in March 2012. Now syndicated globally, WoMRadio features fabulous hosts and podcasts that includes Girls That Create, The Village Vision, Ordinary People/Extraordinary Lives, B~Our Planets Solution, Moms After Dark, and more. WordofMomRadio.com ~ sharing the wisdom of women, in business and in life.

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Ruchi Pinniger, Founder and CEO of Watch Her Prosper®, is helping women to redefine prosperity in business and in life. Ruchi's holistic approach to serving her clients helps her to provide financial guidance, bookkeeping, and tax-time... more

"Why You're Struggling with Marketing & How to Build a Dream Digital Marketing Team"? Welcome to the debut of Building Your Empire with SophieZo now on Word of Mom Radio! After an eight-month hiatus, Sophie is thrilled to be back on... more

This week, Girls That Create host Erin Prather Stafford welcomes psychotherapist, professor and writer Emily (Em) Marinelli. Marinelli is the author of the new book Comfort Sequels: The Psychology of Movie Sequels from the 80s and 90s. In it,... more

Jessica Baladad, a five-year cancer survivor who transformed her pain into power, becoming a passionate advocate for women globally. She founded ?Feel For Your Life?, a free mobile application that provides resources on how to perform self... more

Ruoyun Xu Killian is on a mission to put the human experience back into marketing and business. For the last 15+ years, Ruoyun has advised brands to get out of the marketing fluff and back into building relationships and impact in... more

Kim Sorrelle is a best-selling author, captivating speaker, award-winning entrepreneur, director of a humanitarian organization, expert on love, podcast host, TV talk show host, mother of five, and grandmother to eleven brilliant... more

This week, Girls That Create host Erin Prather Stafford chats with Sonya Sparks, owner of Sparks Gallery in San Diego, California. Sparks Gallery believes in the transformative power of art to inspire, provoke thought, and enrich lives. The... more

Aurora Winter, MBA, is a successful entrepreneur, bestselling author, TV writer-producer, and the founder of www.SamePagePublishing.com. Using storytelling for business, she created a life of freedom, creativity, and... more

Meet digital marketing expert, strategist, and best-selling author, Sophie Zollmann! Sohpie Zollmann been in the digital marketing game for 20 years, and nothing fuels her passion more than helping coaches, CEOs, thought leaders, wellness... more

This week, Girls That Create host Erin Prather Stafford offers an encore of her conversation with documentary filmmaker Amanda McBaine. McBaine directed and produced the 2024 film "Girls State" with her partner, Jesse... more
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