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Reverend Sue Frederick’s unique gift of powerful intuition, channeled wisdom from guides and departed loved ones, sacred numerology, and spiritual insight, lifts you into the mystical for healing grief and finding purpose. Sue draws upon decades of spiritual study and powerful inner wisdom to help clients fulfill their souls’ mission. Sue has taught hundreds of workshops for grieving people; for people seeking meaningful careers and for those who seek a new and fresh perspective. www.SueFrederick.com ______________
Awakenings with Michele Meiche is your place for information and insight to understand the Global Shift of Awareness and Awakening to live a more Soul fulfilling life and experiencing Soul fulfilling relationships. Awakenings broadcasts ‘Live every Wednesday 12pm -1:30 pm PT Call in for Intuitive and Numerology Readings # 347-539-5122 Michele answers questions about Awakening, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Dreams, Self-Development and the Soul Path. Keep connected with Michele:
YouTube – Soul Insights & Tarot-https://www.youtube.com/user/lightbeing21
YouTube Awakenings with Michele Meiche Podcast –
Instagram- @michelemeiche
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/michelemeiche
Twitter - @michelemeiche
FB- @michellemeiche
Mentorcam (website/app) for mentoring questions & life advice https://mentor.cam/michelemeiche
Email awakeningspodcast@gmail.com for guest and topic suggestions, as well as to have your questions answered ‘On Air’. advice https://mentor.cam/michelemeiche