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This 1st month of this new year, the discussion has been about keeping up, moving forward & equally as important staying engaged in 21st century life, via 1 of my most favorite suggestions "Doing it 2gether" - whatever that looks like, whenever & however you can do it (but make some 2getherness happen on purpose) The final push for this 1st month of 2023 is a question one of my Sheroes, Ms "O" asked (of course it's paraphrased): "Who Will You Be in 2023?" or I think a better way to ask is "Who Do You Want to Be-Come in 2023?" With all the staying abreast and staying in the game stuff just be sure the answer is something like this: I AM<BE coming> taking a New, chang'ing' Authentic 2.0 version of MYself into this 21st Century (you really can & should make some changes & things will be different & now IS the time). & btw, You can take this one to the bank, CHANGE is not only necessary, It is Inevitable!!! so just Do It! Let's all "Git In Where We Fit In" let's all stay in & keep playing this GAME called Life, it's a Gift to & for us, to use up, share up & enjoy for as long as we can...