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Welcome to A Course in Miracles Virtual Class with Robert Rosenthal, M.D. and Charlotte Spicer, where we break down specific sections to help you gain a deeper understanding of the concepts presented.
Topic: The Song of Prayer (Supplement) Section 1: True Prayer. "This is the way. It is God's gift to you."
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: This class has moved from 3:00 pm to 1:00 pm Eastern.
Dr. Bob is the Co-President of the Foundation for Inner Peace, publisher of A Course in Miracles, having served on the Foundation’s Board of Directors for almost 25 years (since 1992). He was a practicing psychiatrist and psychotherapist for 32 years before retiring to take on his new position. He was introduced to the Course in 1975 at the age of 20 by Judy Skutch and became a close friend and protégé of Bill Thetford’s. Dr. Bob is the author of From Plagues to Miracles: The Transformational Journey of Exodus, From the Slavery of Ego to the Promised Land of Spirit (Hay House), which reinterprets the biblical story of Moses and Pharaoh as a parable of the mind’s struggle to escape ego and identify once again with Spirit. It is recommended you read this prior to studying the Course.
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