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Today we are excited to welcome Nanci L. Danison, Esq. back for the second time on A Fine Time for Healing. Until 1994 Nanci lived the life of a successful trial lawyer with a national health law practice in a large Midwestern law firm. Then, she died during an invasive radiological procedure before surgery, plunging her farther into the afterlife than previously thought survivable.
Nanci is the author of several books, including her latest, Create A New Reality: Move Beyond Law of Attraction Therory, which she discussed on A Fine Time for Healing on January 25, 2019. Create a New Reality introduces you to the incredible spiritual power of manifesting that we souls possess, and leads you step-by-step through how to create more opportunities to better your life, to replace old beliefs that hold you back from creating a happier life, and to heal yourself of physical and emotional wounds.
Since that show, just one month ago, Nanci has made a stunning connecton between the profound knowledge gained in the afterlife and what she learned while reading Randi Fine's book Close Encounters of the Worst Kind: The Narcissistic Abuse Survivor's Guide to Healing and Recovery. She was given a huge amount of information in the afterlife about innate human animal nature vs. our own spiritual nature. Everything described in Close Encounters as narcissistic behavior was explained to her as normal human animal behavior. She was told that all human hosts behave like that until they are domesticated through parental and social training.
Be sure to tune in and listen to an intriguing discussion on that fascinating concept.