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Picture yourself sitting at your family kitchen table and discussing a topic of interest. That is the feeling we want everybody to have as they share their thoughts or ask questions. This show is to be a place where you can call to discuss real life issues. The concept is not to brain wash people but to allow people to hear other opinions on issues and make up their own mind. In other words...get people to think! This show has changed a lot since it first started. We do less hot topics and bring you more ministry. But when the two intersect. We are not afraid to be heard and hear from you on these topics.

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Welcome to our show this week. There are sermons that are so needed for what the church is facing at specific times. Not saying a message is not timeless. But Wild Bill has listened to this sermon from Kenneth Carpenter four times before... more

Welcome back to the show tonight. It is hard to believe that tonight is the last chapter of the book, "The woolly Worm". The author Sis. Bobbie Lively has not just read the book for us but has added addtional information during the show... more

Welcome to tonights show. We have been bringing you the book, "The Woolly Worm by Sis. Bobbie Lively for several weeks now. We are coming up to the end of this book and from the song we played today you can guess that this is not... more

Welcome back to the show where we have been blessed to hear from the author of the book, "The Woolly Worm". Tonight we are going into chapter 22. As with many of our listeners, we have enjoyed the insights of Sis Lively the author... more

Welcome back to the show! Tonight we are going into chapter 21 of the book written by Sis. Bobbie Lively. We are startinig chapter 21 of the, "Woolly Worm" tonight. If you have missed any of the past chapters. All you have to do is go to... more

Welcome back to the show this week where we are coming back to the book, "The Woolly Worm" chapter 20! As you know the author of this book is Sis. Bobbie Lively. She is reading and making comments on her book as we have... more

Welcome back to the show this week. We apologize for not having a show last week. Wild Bill was dealing with the flu, and with the holidays. We decided to skip last weeks show. As you know we are coming up on the end of Sis.... more

Welcome back to this weeks show. The song that started our show tonight is for all who during the holidays feel alone and that they do not matter. To Jesus you always matter. HE knew all of the mistakes, times you fell short, and times you... more

Welcome back to the show. Hope there was not any confusion with this chapter. For some reason it saved it as chapter 17 again but we were able to change the title to chapter 18 as it should have been listed. We pray that you gave honor... more

Welcome to the November Election day blog talk radio show. Tonight we are starting chapter 17 of the book, "The Woolly Worm" written and being read by Sis. Bobbie Lively. AKA Rapping Granny, AKA Lyricle Lively. We pray that all of you... more
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