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Schools Food Allergies Paulette Young 8pm pst Monday 858-769-4936 press 1

  • Broadcast in Health
Health Care Consultants

Health Care Consultants


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Some schools do not have nurses on duty. Do the teachers know what to do in emergency situations involving food? Do the parents trust the school in handling their child that has food allergies? How wide spread is this problem? How many nurses are on duty? Another hot topic tonight with Host Paulette Young and guest Selena Lindsey. Join in the conversation by calling 858-769-4936 press 1. 

Paulette Young BA/RCP

Health Care Consultants CEO

Executive Chairperson Health NAACP Pomona Valley Branch 1085B

Protandim (natural herb anti-oxidant for inflammation, arthritis, memory, asthma, energy) www.mylifevantage.com/pauletteyoung

Sowing Seeds For Life (2nd largest food bank in Los Angeles County) Donate call 909-293-7735 ext 232


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