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COVID-19 and The CHURCHES Paulette Young 8pm pst 858-769-4936 press 1

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Health Care Consultants

Health Care Consultants


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Is the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020 handle by the churches and health expert any different? Why do some people feel wearing a mask is necessary, while others think it is unnecessary? Should one wear a mask when one visit family members? Everyone should follow Center of Disease Control guidelines. Join us tonight your host Paulette Younng and Selena Lindsey and other guest. Call 858-769-4936 press 1 8pm pst. This broadcast is heard around the globe.

Paulette Young BA/RCP     Health Care Consultants CEO  Life Vantage Distributor of Protandim www.mylifevantage.com/pauletteyoung  email: healthcareconsultantscpr@gmail.com  909-622-8856 Office. Health Educator (Sowing Seeds For Life). NAACP Member

Sowing Seeds For Life (2nd Largest Food Bank in Los Angeles County) Donate today 909-392-5777

22nd Annual Families and Fathers National Conference May 2021.  Dr. James Rodriguez CEO   jamesrodriguez@fathersandfamiliescoalition.org






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