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Welcome to the Healthy Baby Boomers Network Blog Talk Radio Show. I am your host, Dr. Erica Goodstone, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Spiritual Relationship Healer and Somatic Body Psychotherapist, Helping Men and Women Heal Their Bodies and Their Relationships Through Love, author of the book: Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me and the romantic novel, Love in the Blizzard of Life, and creator of the life changing 30 Day Love Challenge.
Today I am delighted to speak with Robert Clancy, author, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, ordained minister, master martial arts instructor in both Tae Kwon Do & Chon-Tu Kwan Hapkido. He blends conscious awareness and ongoing volunteerism into his business life as co-founder and managing partner of Spiral Design Studio, one of the largest full-service graphic design and web development firms in the Northeast. Spiral Design's clients include dozens of corporations, educational & healthcare organizations, non-profits and startups, including Citigroup, Home Depot, Sears, Activision, Disney, among many others. Robert Clancy's unusual book: Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Soul is a collection of inspirational and transcendental stories and community service, volunteerism and the best of humanity – certainly much needed in these trying and uncertain times.