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The Propelled Heart

  • Broadcast in Health
Healthy Baby Boomers Network

Healthy Baby Boomers Network


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Welcome to the Healthy Baby Boomers Network Blog Talk Radio Show.  I am your host, Dr. Erica Goodstone, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Spiritual Relationship Healer and Somatic Body Psychotherapist, Helping Men and Women Heal Their Bodies and Their Relationships Through Love, author of the book: Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me and the romantic novel, Love in the Blizzard of Life, and creator of the life changing 30 Day Love Challenge.
Today I am speaking with Dr. Toni Luisa Rivera, Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Rubenfeld Synergist, author, and workshop facilitator was born and raised on Air Force bases until her father retired in Puerto Rico when she was 11.  After her studies at Life Chiropractic University, she returned and opened her first chiropractic office in a rural part of the island where there was no other alternative healthcare.  She quickly learned the vital role of body, mind, spirit and emotions in healing.  To explore this further, she moved to Santa Fe, NM where she did dressage horseback riding, hot yoga, motorcycles and used her training with Ilana Rubenfeld, to become a master teacher focusing on helping her clients with self-healing.  In her book, The Propelled Heart: Moving from Injury to Insight, she shares her own personal story embedded with lessons learned and wisdom attained and she provides a set of exercises to help the reader heal. ToniLuisaRivera.com

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