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The shortcut to hope and healing

  • Broadcast in Health
Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinsons Recovery


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Parkinson's is traditionally diagnosed as a disease which only gets worse over time. This book
challenges that view.

Interviews of people with a Parkinson’s diagnosis from around the world reveal that it does not have
to be this way. Instead, hope and self-reflection can be part of the solution to a better life.
People can recover or improve, not via quick fixes or miracles, but with supporting psychotherapy and an
understanding of why the body, due to chronic stress or trauma, has ended up reacting the way it

My faceblog group where Gary Sharpe and I post: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hopeshortcut

My webpage: https://hopeshortcut.com/

The book: https://www.amazon.com/Interviews-People-Parkinsons-inspirational-conversations/dp/B0DC5MP99Y

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