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Brother Prater

ReConnect My Heart Podcast


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Although life's problems can break or tear our hearts apart, on ReConnect My Heart Podcast, we'll discuss God's answers to life's problems, to ReConnect our hearts BACK to the way God originally made us! This program will discuss issues such as: Relationship Problems, Divorce, Dating, Love, Insecurities, Low Self-Esteem, Conflicts with Others, Forgiveness (For Yourself & Others), Family Issues & much more.

On-Demand Episodes

God! We Need to Talk (When Stuff is Just Getting to You)!

Within the past couple of days, there's been at least 7 cases of women being killed by their boyfriends/ husbands & multiple reports of abuse to women. Enough is ENOUGH! Men! Regardless if it's physical or verbal abuse, you don't hurt... more

On the show, we will have the Founder of There's No Love in a Lick Mrs. Christal Floyd to talk to us about rebuilding yourself after surviving abuse & much more, in the episode called- Life After Domestic Violence! Live Sunday October... more

On the 2nd show in Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we will have a conversation with special guest Ms. Nicole Craig about the myths & facts about Human Trafficking & much more in the episode called- What You Don't Know... more

Do you have people in your life who always causing drama or only call you to come to their rescue, but they're never around to help you? Sadly, some folk will try to take your kindness for weakness & they don't have a problem using you... more

Live September 20, 2020, @ 8pm (Central Standard Time) (516)453-9118 or www.blogtalkradio.com/reconnectmyheart

On what would have been her 47th birthday weekend, we're going to share some stories, some laughs & reflect on the life of my favorite & only sister Sheila Prater! We are expecting an awesome celebration! Live September 13, 2020, @ 8pm... more

On this show, we will talk about facing difficulties as a Believers & victory over them, tools to help you to hold on to your faith & much more in the episode called The Struggle is Real (Overcoming Life's Challenges as a Christian)!... more

Are you ready to learn? Well, since school started for many students, this is to perfect opportunity for everyone to invest themselves with knowledge & prepare for the journey ahead. On this show, we will talk about preparing yourself... more

Have you noticed that if you do something positive, few people to none will say anything good about it, but as soon as you make a mistake, everybody & their dog will hear about it? It seems like bad news (or negative news) travels faster... more

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