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St Germain Radio Show

St Germain Radio Network


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****Tune into the show to hear guidance from Ascended Masters and Archangels.****Live/Pre-recorded shows are normally held or posted one Saturday a month at 7:30pm EST.****Recordings available below if you miss the live broadcasts.****Feel free to email us to receive our monthly newsletters at: info@lightbridge101.com****St. Germain Radio Show and all its media content - Copyright 2012-2025 by Light Bridge Inc, and all music content Copyright 2008-2025 by Mike Snyder, All Rights Reserved.****

On-Demand Episodes

Dr. Connie McNeil- Thursday 8:00-9:00PM EST, One Thursday each month (Next show is Aug 7 ) In the Arms of the Angels? with Connie McNeil, PhD This hour long show is an invitation to stop and reflect on the angelic presence that... more

Starr Fuentes-Wednesday 8-9PM EST each week Aug 6 replay, no callers Meet Starr Fuentes! She's a master intuitive healer, a spiritual teacher, and has been on the leading edge of all things in metaphysics for over 50 years. She has... more

Angelina Grace- Tuesday 8:00pm – 9:00pm EST One Tuesday a month, (Next show Aug 5) Angelina's Grace Radio Show by: Angelina Grace Tune into Angelina's Grace Radio Show where she will cover all topics that are spiritual as... more

Mark Rawson and Pamela Latour, One Monday each month from 8:00-9:00PM EST: (Next show Aug 4) The main show called Spiritual Connections Radio, this is where it all started Our guest Monday is Melissa Joy and Dr. Richard... more

Starr Fuentes-Wednesday 8-9PM EST each week Meet Starr Fuentes! She's a master intuitive healer, a spiritual teacher, and has been on the leading edge of all things in metaphysics for over 50 years. She has traveled the world seeking out... more

Francine Clausen- Sunday 11:00AM-Noon EST One Sunday of each month (Next show July 27) Note- Starting in July, Francine is moving her show to Sunday. Francine is going to move her show to the sister network due to me starting a... more

Starr Fuentes-Wednesday 8-9PM EST each week replay show, no callers please Meet Starr Fuentes! She's a master intuitive healer, a spiritual teacher, and has been on the leading edge of all things in metaphysics for over 50 years. She has... more

Brigitte Boyea and Mike Snyder, One Tuesday each month 8:00-9:30PM EST (Next show is July 22) St. Germain Radio Show channeled by Brigitte Boyea with celestial music by Mike Snyder In these times of great change and new... more

Starr Fuentes-Wednesday 8-9PM EST each week Meet Starr Fuentes! She's a master intuitive healer, a spiritual teacher, and has been on the leading edge of all things in metaphysics for over 50 years. She has traveled the world seeking out... more

Mark Rawson and Mike Snyder, One Tuesday of every month 8:00-9:00PM EST (Next show July 15) The Men's Spiritual Radio Hour- A show about men and their Spiritual Journey Our guest is going to be Dr Richard Bartlett, DC, ND From his... more
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