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Starseed Radio Academy

Starseed Radio Academy


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Hosted by Arielle Taylor~~~~ For over 25 years, locked in a bank vault, an ongoing collection of chronicles has awaited their time coded release, and now is the time. These are the true journals of galactic ET demonstrations experienced by someone Hollywood would call "The Female Galactic Indiana Jones." Her interactions and assignments with the Pleiadeans were recorded by her for future generations of starseed, a word that she first coined in the '70s, so that they will understand the true nature of extraterrestrial agenda and their own roles on this planet. Millions of people have had indirect contact with her work without realizing it, since she has trained, mentored, guided and assisted many celebrities and high profile people with whose work they are familiar. Join us as Lavandar reveals for the first time the details of her spellbinding and sometimes dangerous adventures, as each one adds a piece to the galactic puzzle of what's truly happening here.

On-Demand Episodes

Dr. O'Bryan is a world expert on gluten and its impact on your health. He is an internationally recognized and sought after speaker and workshop leader specializing in the complications of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac... more

For years now, after the completion of the Harmonic Convergence of August 17th 2012, (a 25 year cycle) there has been several upgrades from activations to the planetary crystal grid. Part of these upgrades can be felt from the acceleration of... more

From Lavandar's Vault, this information about trickster energy on planet Earth is essential for every starseed to understand and recognize. It took Lavandar over 19 years to compile this work on trickster for the benefit of starseeds, and... more

For 40+ years, Dr. Marilyn Joyce, a Registered Dietitian, with a doctorate in Psychology and Biochemistry & Human Nutrition, has been inspiring audiences around the world as a motivational and inspirational keynote speaker, seminar... more

Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. You can find his In5D Radio shows on the In5D Youtube channel. He is also a transformational speaker and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric... more

Evelyn C. Rysdyk is the author of several noted books on shamanism including, The Norse Shaman, Spirit Walking: A Course In Shamanic Power and A Spirit Walker's Guide to Shamanic Tools. Along with her writings, Evelyn is an... more

Gwilda Wiyaka, author of ?The Science of Magic Book of Mysteries Volume 1 & 2? and the award winning ?So, We're Still Here. Now What? Spiritual Evolution and Personal Empowerment in a New Era,? is considered by many to be... more

Richard Estep is a paranormal investigator with 20 years' experience, working in both the United States and the United Kingdom. He is the author of several books, including "In Search of the Paranormal," "The World's Most Haunted... more

Rev. Bryan Rawls is a Certified Psychic Medium, Reiki Master, Star Ki Code Activator, Multi-Dimensional Light Language Channel and Universal Channel. With deep roots in Ancient Earth Wisdoms, Rev. Bryan channels light language from... more

Karma Ambassador Darlene Tipton, aka. ?Karma Dar,? is co-creator with her husband Ken Tipton, of AmazingKarma.com, a website and mobile app designed to help people reward acts of kindness, courtesy, and honesty, and... more
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