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The Hermetic Hour

The Hermetic Hour


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Tune in, turn on, and get magick with Poke Runyon, Archimage of the Ordo Templi Astartes. The O.T.A. is the oldest continually operating magical lodge in the US. "Poke Runyon is the real deal ... an international magical treasure!" ~ Lon Milo DuQuette

On-Demand Episodes

On Thursday February 4th, 2016 The Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the fascinating military and occult career of Lt.Colonel Sir Francis Edward Younghusband (1863-1942) the conqueror of Tibet (1904) and... more

In the Elizabethan period the Italian Renaissance came to England. Even though the English had broken with the Roman Church they were still following the Italians in astrology, philosophy, alchemy and Magick. During the reign of The... more

On Thursday January 28th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the Biblical personages Simon Magus and John the Baptist. We will discuss their association, their influence on the Gnostic... more

On Thursday March 4th, 2021 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on recent reports of an alleged underground war being waged by American special forces soldiers against a coalition of traitors and... more

On Thursday January 14th, 2016 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a commentary on and a reading of the Rubaiyat a Sufi poem from medieval Persia by the mystic and astronomer Omar Khayyam translated by... more

On Thursday December 10th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the Valentinian Gnostic origins of the Dee-and-Kelley Enochian 30 Aethyr system. This ancient configuration indicates that John Dee... more

On Thursday November 19th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present the final discussion on the Tree of Life -- Kether and the Supernals. In our series on the Tree we have worked from the bottom up, and now we will have to... more

On Thursday February 4th, 2021 - the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon will present a discussion on the 9th century Arab treatise on Stellar Rays by the Baghdad sage Abu Yusuf Al-Kindi. This work had a considerable influence on... more

On Thursday November 12th, 2015 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on our Astral Time travel method and its use in connection with Hermetic Yoga. We will explain our method of celestial... more

On Thursday January 21st, 2021 the Hermetic Hour with host Poke Runyon, Frater Thabion, will present a discussion on The Outer Planets in astrology and magick, joined by astrologer and occult author Ann Finnin, V.H. Soror Urania.... more
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