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Sabrina Williams

Rolling with the Chaplain


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This is an all positive radio station, bringing you news, hot topics, comedy and great music.

On-Demand Episodes

Join the great, humble Valante Grant and her cohost, Sabrina Williams.

Sabrina discusses the importance of understanding that teenagers mask depression in different ways than adults. Sometimes they are not aware they are depressed. There out of control behavior, angry outburst, irritablity and loosing... more

Sabrina has a fun filled show with many special guest. Sabrina and Kyle Kurt Fogle continue to discuss what are the benefits of jump rope, jumping jacks and the best ab workouts. 8:15pm Kush Kumedy Kafe, Rachel Fogletto is a... more

Valante and Sabrina will discuss fun Spring and Summer DIY projects.

Great comedian and stories

Sabrina, Eli and Kyle discuss how your health with exercise impacts your life. Excercise is a choice but what if that choice was taken because of illness or not caring for yourself.

Easter is about Jesus, family and great food. Also, what traditions do you do.

Great music, comedy and man and woman of valor

Music and Kumedy

Sabrina is blessed to be able to talk to Ms. Sheryll Roberts. Sheryll is a sex abuse victim survivior, adovocate author and clothes designer. Sheryll, is what we all strive to be like and never giver up and allow God to see us through the many... more

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