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Young Writers Society

Young Writers Society Radio


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YWS Radio returns after a three week hiatus with tips on how to get into your character's mind (Nate goes into valley girl mode), and absolute wretched poetry.

We discuss how to swear like Shakespeare, oddities of the English language, and the eternal debate: bookmarks vs. folding the page.

Ten tips to improve your writing life! Can video games be good for literacy? And, what's the deal with bookmarks!?

All community involvement for this one! Call in, read a poem, do a shout-out, or do a short rant.

Poetry Jam, shout outs, my rambling, story time with Hunter, and some other stuff.

Interview with member and up & coming writer, Incandescence, storybook time with Griffinkeeper & Hunter, news, tips, poems, stories, and monkeys.

Writing tips, news, YWS News, poetry jam, and skits.

YWS News, Announcements, Poetry Jam, Writing Tips, and More!

Hopefully we'll have the technical difficulties fixed for this one! Expect news, announcements, a radio show, and a poetry jam.

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