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93* Point *Tweed FM

93.(Point) Tweed Fm


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93.(Point)Tweed Fm ... Hosted By Tweed Cadillac Sponsored by Melrah Nivlac Media Services... Spectacular Low-Rider Oldies

On-Demand Episodes

93.Tweed Fm (Izum) Presents Dwight "DeLemond" Williams...aka Big Pimpin The Poet.Your host Tweed Cadillac will be Chopping up Game with this well renowed Poet,Playa.You might have heard his work on several Snoop Dogg Records,well... more

Melrah Nivlac Media Services in Conjuction with www.magnificentwax.com Presents ..The Main Ingredient Live on the Premises...Mr.Jerome Jackson and Stanley Alston will sit down One-On-One with your Host Tweed Cadillac and... more

93.Tweed Fm (Izum) Proudly Presents The Dynamic Voice of Brenda Lee Eager,, Live on The Premises.Tweed Cadillac will sit down One-On-One with this incredible Vocalist,who started singing Back-Up with Jerry Butler.Later on she... more

93.Tweed Fm (Izum) Presents ...A Warm Summer Night..Episode 3..This evening will be playing some of the smoothest grooves of all time,So kick back and be prepared to take a ride on the Flyest Trip in Town..Melrah Nivlac Media would... more

Sunsound Concerts & Melrah Nivlac Media Proudly Presents an Evening with Legendary Vocalist,Rena Scott.ANative of Detriot,This Lady has carved a musical path only a few can comprehend.Rena Scott has worked alongside of... more

93.Tweed Fm (Izum) Presents The Futures Live on the premises.R&B legends will be in the house talking about the world of music as it applied to them.The Futures had minimal succes with several hits including the help from... more

93.Tweed Fm (Izum) Presents Live Studio Special Guest...Tonier Cain...A True Drug Success Story...After a 19 year Crack Addition,this ladyrecoverd and penned a letter to the Senate Health Commitee,urging them to preserve the... more

93.Tweed Fm (Izum) Welcomes Fredrick (Gangsta) Staves The Majestic Car Club General on the premises.The Gentleman has written several books,such as The G-Code,The Chosen One,and the latest ...Some Talk it,I Live It.The Host... more

93.Tweed Fm (Izum) Proudly Presents Live on the Premises WonderMike Bailey.This Episode will cover Life as it is,and was in Los Angeles back in the dya...Real Spit,in a Real Way Coming at ya to Speak on the Plight of the Black... more

93.Tweed Fm (Izum) Welcomes Gregory Williams,The Founding Member of The Legendary Recording Group..( Switch) will be on The Premises Live One-On-One with the Host Tweed Cadillac on This Classic Episode.With Such Hits as... more

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