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Crazy Faith Talk

Crazy Faith Talk


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An engaging, comedic, serious, and hopefully interesting foray into the world of Christianity. Join the discussion...believer, atheist, or skeptic alike! Hosted by Pastor Erica, a Methodist, Pastor Sarah, a Lutheran, and Pastor Steve, who is also Lutheran, Crazy Faith Talk is an ecumenical experiment of cross conversation (pun intended).

On-Demand Episodes

One of the most well-known Bible verses asserts that "God so loved the world" that God gave us Jesus and sent him into the world. Love is at the heart of what the Christmas story is about, and yet so often we settle for a shallow, limited,... more

Halfway through Advent, after weeks of being reminded, "We're not there yet--keep hoping, keep waiting, be ready, and repent," the church's surprising way of keeping time calls us to rejoice. Joy is a tricky concept, as it turns... more

Anyone born this century has only ever really known a world with one major power or another at war, and our communities and country often feel uncivil and conflicted. We have more technology than ever to keep track of our many... more

It is terribly easy for the themes that recur in Advent--things like "hope," "peace," "joy," and "love"--to become empty slogans or buzzwords, or the vague wishes of a greeting card. But there is rich and deep substance in the Christian... more

It's easy to miss in between helpings of turkey and mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving, or with the neighbors already setting up their Christmas lights and Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" playing on a loop on the radio,... more

As familiar as it is to many, Thanksgiving really is a strange sort of a holiday, if you think about it. As an American celebration, it points backward in theory to Puritan colonists being grateful for surviving in a harsh new setting, but it wasn't... more

It's the 300th episode of Crazy Faith Talk--can you believe it? On this special occasion, we've got a brand-new conversation of classic Crazy Faith Talk church-nerdery--a deep dive into the history and meaning of All Saints Day, as... more

Is the "end" of our stories something to be afraid of, or hopeful about? Whether we are talking about what happens to us individually when we die or what happens at the end of the world's story, we naturally wonder about where our... more

One of the more complicated tensions in Christian theology is how we make sense of human responsibility and God's will. Is everything that happens part of God's plan and design? Are we responsible for our own actions, or just puppets... more

You'd hope it's obvious that we should do good in the world rather than evil. Christians should pretty much be on board with that premise--we are supposed to do good in the world. And yet--we find all sorts of ways to complicate that... more

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