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Crazy Faith Talk

Crazy Faith Talk


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An engaging, comedic, serious, and hopefully interesting foray into the world of Christianity. Join the discussion...believer, atheist, or skeptic alike! Hosted by Pastor Erica, a Methodist, Pastor Sarah, a Lutheran, and Pastor Steve, who is also Lutheran, Crazy Faith Talk is an ecumenical experiment of cross conversation (pun intended).

On-Demand Episodes

In this final episode of a series looking at pop culture and faith, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve take another look at an example from the "dark side"--where we can learn from negative examples to keep ourselves honest. And in... more

As they continue using pop culture as a mirror to check our own blind spots, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve look at the character of Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame (in particular, the Disney cartoon adaptation of the... more

Pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve are back indulging their pop-culture sensibilities with a new question: Where do movies, books, or TV shows show us negative examples of faith that we can learn from? Sometimes our own blind spots keep... more

Most of the time, we don't have the chance for live conversation with listeners during an episode, but in today's "Crazy Faith Talk," pastors Erica, Steve, and Sarah took their show on the road to the annual Synod Assembly for the... more

In a movie famous for great lines like, "This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship," and "Here's looking at you, kid," there's actually a powerful image of singing a hopeful song in exile. It's the classic movie Casablanca, and in our... more

As they continue looking at how pop culture speaks to faith, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve continue taking turns sharing pieces of books, movies, and other pop culture that have connected with their faith. In today's episode, Erica shares her... more

In a new series, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve are taking a look at intersection points between our lived faith and pop culture. As we take a look at favorite books, movies, and more, we'll explore what we have learned about our life of... more

T.S. Eliot wrote, "The end of all our exploring/ Will be to arrive where we started/ And know the place for the first time." The Story of the Scriptures is like that. As they conclude their series on "New Creation," pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve... more

As they work backwards through the Bible--taking the end of the story first--pastors Sarah, Erica, and Steve look at the image of new creation as it keeps coming back in different biblical books and gets used in different ways by... more

The old Fleetwood Mac puts it honestly, "I've been afraid of changing, 'cause I built my life around you." We tend to hear talk about change and get scared--we are used to the familiar, and it is always tempting to picture "the good... more

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