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Donny C

Beyond the MainStream


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We are 2 guys and Cinnamon from different parts of the country talking about current events and politics. We share our opinions and would like to hear yours.

On-Demand Episodes

Join us tonight as we discuss the many issues that concern active and retired workers. Call in at 342-324-3752

Join us tonight

We are talking about UFO's . Do you believe in space aliens??? Join us tonight 347-324-3752

Join us tonight to discuss issues that concern ALL UAW members. Call in at 347-324-3752

If you watched Biden's sotu address what did you think? Should we jump into war against Putin? We talk about the issues that concern all of us, join by calling 347-324-3752

Join us tonight. Everyone knows how important the next few weeks are, join the UAW members to discuss the issues.

I don't know what we will talk about but it will be about politics or maybe UFO'S. We jump around join us if you like.

Join us tonight at 7est. call-in at 347-324-3752

Biden-Putin, another suicide,Ottawa. Many things to talk about little time to do it in. Join us tonight call-in 347-324-3752

Hillary Clinton is back!! Clinton will reenter the political sphere by speaking at the New York state Democrat Convention at the end of February. Clinton is also selling hats and mugs on her web site. She just won't go away! Join us tonight... more

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