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Dr Ross Greene

Dr. Ross Greene


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Dr. Ross Greene, originator of the Collaborative & Proactive Solutions model and author of The Explosive Child, Lost at School, Lost & Found, and Raising Human Beings, provides guidance to parents on understanding and helping kids with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges...along with his co-hosts Kim Hopkins-Betts (Director of Outreach at Lives in the Balance) and parents Jennifer Trethewey, and Stella Hastings.

On-Demand Episodes

A lot of territory was covered on this program, as several parents called in with questions and Dr. Greene responded to questions sent by email as well. But the key theme was established by the first caller: if solving... more

Parents often say that the unsolved problems setting in motion challenging episodes in their kids are unpredictable. But that's not exactly so. Because Plan B is most effective when it's used proactively, it's crucial to transform... more

On today's Parents Panel, one of our Panel members told us about her recent visit with her behaviorally challenging son, who is now a young adult. He's doing really well...perhaps evidence that Plan B (and a lot of patience) can do a... more

On today's program, Dr. Greene spent some time talking with the dad of a child whose aggressive, violent behavior has been reduced dramatically by various medications. The take-home message: take advantage of the lull so as to get... more

Parenting is really hard, but it's especially hard if you're the parent of a child with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. There's so much advice being thrown your way, a lot of it telling you to be more firm, more consistent, and... more

On today's program, Dr. Greene offered his thoughts on the tragedy that took place three days earlier in Newtown, Connecticut, and on the role that collaboration and empathy can play in reducing the likelihood of such tragedies.

Two primary questions were covered on today's program. Can a mom change the lenses she's wearing so as to better help her adopted adolescent daughter? Can another mom solve problems collaboratively with not one but two very active,... more

Parenting a challenging child is hard, but it can be even harder during the holidays. The Parents Panel -- along with a caller -- has some guidance to help you get through it all. This program is sponsored by Lives in the Balance... more

Lots of questions answered on today's program, but there was one key theme at the end: People -- kids and adults -- don't scream if they're confident their concerns will be heard and addressed.

Several different topics were discussed on today's program...among them, Dr. Greene received a call from a dad whose fourth grade child has been suspended from school...yet again. What should he do? That's what they talked about.

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