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John Talk Radio Independent Music Showcase broadcast live every Wednesday evening @ 8 pm eastern . We showcase the Independent artist with interviews and lots o Indie music . We also present '' Independent Music Showcase 15-minute music break every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00 noon eastern.

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Independent Music Showcase 10/19/2022. We wll play the latest album'' Turning on the Century Vol 1 '' by Marc Johnson and Ramirez Exposure '' in its entirety .

Independent Music Showcase 15 Minute Music Break 10/13/2022

Independent Music Showcase 10-12-2022 . We will play the latest album '' The Cartel and I '' from Finish band '' The Mike Bell Cartel '' in its entirety.

Independent Music Showcase 15 Minute Music Break 10/11/2022

Independent Music Showcase 15 Minute Music Break 10-06-2022

Music Showcase Four by Four Independent . We will play four songs from each artist . Tonights artists are , Lannie Flowers. Tom Guerra , Star Collector and Leslie Pereira and the Lazy Heroes.

Independent Music Showcase 15 Minute Music Break 10-04-2022

Independent Music Showcase 15 Minute Music Break 09-29-2022

Independent Music Showcase 09-28-2002 . 4 sets of 4 , by The Speed of Sound, Rob Moss and Skin Tight Skin, Red Skylark, and Spygenius.

Independent Music Showcase 15 Minute Music Break 09-27-2022

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