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John Talk Radio Independent Music Showcase broadcast live every Wednesday evening @ 8 pm eastern . We showcase the Independent artist with interviews and lots o Indie music . We also present '' Independent Music Showcase 15-minute music break every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00 noon eastern.

On-Demand Episodes

Indie Cloudburst 06-14-2024

Cloudburst 6-6-2024

Indie Cloudburst ⛈️☔️ on John Talk Radio 06-01-2024

Independent Music Showcase May 30 2024 . We will play the new album '' Circus foe Sale '' from Hungrytown in its entirety.

Independent Music Showcase Mid-Day Music Break May 28, 2024

It's Sports Time with John and Milo 05-23-24

Independent Music Showcase 05-22-24 . We will play the new album ''Undertow'' by The Second Summer in its entirety.

Independent Music Showcase Mid Day Music Break 05-21-24

It's Sports Time with John and Milo 04-16-2024

Independent Music Showcase Mid Day Music Break May 14, 2024

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