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The Murder Master Music Show

Murder Master Music Show


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Veteran music journalist Prezident Bejda brings you nothing but underground music from around the globe. Join Prez each week with interviews with Legends, Pioneers and Underground Talent. Check out one of the Original Hip hop Podcasts!

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Whether its tearin' up stages or Wrestling with legends like Terry Funk, Rude Boy is known globally by his fans. Follwed upp by our friend Pittsburgh Pat who has alot of kknowledge on Hiphop and is making things happen in the Underground.

First up is fellow journalist Doggie Diamonds follwed by Memphis Legend Lil Noid

Renizance of Immortal Soldierz is back with brand new music

Yukmouth has been a friend of the show since the beginning, he is back with a brand new solo album

The Outlawz will join the show and discuss the new album Living Legends and much more.

Underground Nashville Legend Greenwade joins the legendary archive!

1st up Bootleg of the Dayton Family and the Crew and Cast of the upcoming flick Shattered Dreams followed by the homie T-Rock

Swifty McVey of Detroit's D12 is back with a brand new solo album Grey Blood. Join us as we chop it up with this Mid-West Vet!

O'Dell is one of the dopest producers to ever come out the South. Tune in and listen as we chop it up with him and he joins the legendary archive!

First up we have the cast of Let's Go A New Vintage Story then Straight Shooting Host and Wrestling Legend Stevie Ray joins us
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