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Qul Alahiym - Voice of Powers

Qul Alahiym - Voice of POWERS


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"Go out and make disciples of all nations...teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." Matthew 28:19-20. Our master, Yahushua, left us a commission to share the truth to people so they can have the gift of salvation. The truth has to be given to the world and we have to destroy the falsehoods. As we do this we work to aide the unification and restoration of YisraEl as a people so the final work of Yah can be realized.

On-Demand Episodes

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our Sabbath morning broadcast! Last week we discussed Jebus, a people descended from Canaan, as well as the portion of land they settled. Today we discuss Jerusalem, the name that that... more


EREV TUV MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our broadcast! This evening we continue our discussion from last week pertaining to viruses. Acccording to the Bible, what should believers do during these troublesome times? Join us for this informative... more

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our broadcast! This Sabbath morning we begin a new series of lessons under the hedaing inspired by Isa 42:21 "YHWH is well pleased for his righteousness' sake; he will magnify the... more

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our broadcast! This Sabbath evening we'll be discussing how to cordial & generous in our reception of guests, i.e., hospitality. What does the bible teach about it? Join us for a practical... more

EREV TUV MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our broadcast! This evening we begin a new series of teachings starting with the above question, what are viruses? In light of recent events pertaining to COVID19, the Corona Virus, it'd be good... more

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our Sabbath morning broadcast! For our last installment we continue our discussion about the angelic beings & turn our attention to those that are fallen Join us for our discussion & be sure to... more

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our Sabbath evening broadcast! Tonight we take a look at passages supporting the relationship between YHWH & Israel. Join us for our discussion & be sure to take notes as you follow along in... more

L'CHODESH TUVAH MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our new moon broadcast! TodY we take a look at one of the beloved holidays observed by Christians throughout the world & examine its origins. What is Easter? Is it commanded by YHWH?... more

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our Sabbath morning broadcast! This week we turn our focus to angels & demons; what are they? What does Torah reveal about them? Join us for our discussion & be sure to take notes as... more

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