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real talk for real people


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We believe in solving the difficult problems in life . That some people, tend to flee from .

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We don't like liars and lying. They and or it murders the truth.

America, dosen't want your vote. It dosen't love you. Stop lying to yourselves.

We are not crabs in a basket. We just worship the right way. Codified.

When youy're misguided , without a true sense of purpose and or direction. You become by reason a monstrosity. The evidece dosen't lie.

Everything in life is codified. And that's the way that it should be. Codes.

Why do we say, that we want the truth ? When we keep fighning it ? We can't handle the truth.

We have become comfortable having no control over oursleves. And we look for others to have control over us.

If you don't know what the 4th kingdom is, and how it works, you will be totally confused about everything.

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