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real talk for real people


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We believe in solving the difficult problems in life . That some people, tend to flee from .

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Is the world in World War 3 ? Could be indirectly .

Just because we stumble and lose our way. It dosen't have to mean forever. Not unless we choose it.

You may change your location and or name. But if your behavior hadn't changed. For all intents and or purposes, nothing really has changed about you.

Don't be to hard on yourselves. Life will be hard enough on you. Be humble, and be willing to listen.

Sometimes you're only as good as your wife and or husband. Make the right choice.

Just because you can't see the truth, dosen't mean that it isn't true.

Some of us pretend to be one thing. But we're all together some different. It's the American way.

You don't have to believe tthe truth, for it to be true.

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