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A show about Real Estate. A show about empowering people, giving back, living, laughing and loving/peace. First 30 minutes is about real estate- 2nd half is about motivation, self-help, (not always in that order :) God and empowering you to live your true potential !!! Nathalie Mullinix hosts the fastest show in radio!

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nathalie helps us find clarity in all the information out there... 2nd Half "Time To Heal" - Sandy Hoffman, 20 years of sobriety, now giving back, helping other.

Nathalie shares tips on protecting your self in a transaction...

Nathalie leads the discussion in the 1st half...2nd half Mollie Macarthy - Openshaw, President of Hot Flash Wines, shares her journey of overcoming and healing.

Nathalie discusses this ancient practice ... 2nd half Barry Belmonte joins us. GREAT story and example of serving others...church elder, hospital chaplain, & MORE.

Nathalie talks about water damage protection in the 1st half... in the 2nd half, Speake & author Brenda Yoder talks about life, faith & parenting www.brendayoder.com

Also Dr. Lynne Wicker joins us in the second half. Dr. Wicker is the Director of the Florida State University Schools, Inc., Pono Radio host, and author of the soon to be released book, " Raising Kids That Succeed: How To Help Your Kids... more

Jenny Craig joins us in the 2nd half, talking about her new book & The Share The Truth Movement.

Nathalie helps you get creative in the selling process and include teaching moments. DR. Glen Villanueva joins us to discuss his book, "The Me Addiction". www.shoestringministries.org

Nathalie shares nuggets about upgrades that will increae your home value...

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