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Popular in Spirituality

  • 00:32

    Spiritual Development 101: From Clairvoyance to Emotional Health

    in Spirituality

     **Episode Highlights **
    1. **Emotional Clarity:** Learn the importance of clearing your emotional body to gain mental clarity and elevate your spiritual senses. 2. **Unique Abilities:** Understand the necessity of recognizing and cultivating your unique spiritual abilities through persistent practice. 3. **Structured Development:** Developing psychic abilities is akin to learning physical skills; it requires a structured approach, patience, and consistency. 4. **Holistic Growth:** Grasp how the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies interact and why balancing these elements is crucial for genuine development. 5. **Professional Healing:** Discover why healing encompasses more than just consuming content; it’s a guided process requiring dedication and mentorship.
    *** THE EMPOWERED EMPATH APP: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/empowered-empath/id6478999122 *** CHECK OUT JENNIFERS FREE MASTERCLASS: https://empath-university.com/p/5dayspiritualbootcamp *** BOOKS BY JENNIFER: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Jennifer-ONeill/author/B007C6LDRY *** WORK WITH ME: *** ONLINE COURSES: https://empath-university.com/ *** PRIVATE COMMUNITY + COACHING: https://empath-university.com/p/high-vibe-tribe  *** PRIVATE RETREATS: https://spiritualbootcamp.co/workshops/ *** Jennifer's Website: https://keystothespiritworld.com/  *** Michelle's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Michelle.The.Creator

  • Psychic View® LIVE - Special Friday Broadcast w/Mona

    in Spirituality

    Join me LIVE on my radio program, Psychic View® each Saturday at 9AM, Pacific Time, where you may call in to ask me your specific question. To dial in, please unblock your number by entering *82 prior dialing 1-347-850-1494 and then pressing "1" to be in the queue.
    NEW callers into the program ALWAYS have priority.
    I’ve been reading for people for many years and since 2002, I am licensed in the Psychic Arts as an Intuitive reader in Las Vegas. I’m also known in Las Vegas as Mystic Mona ® and considered one of the best psychic readers on the Radio airwaves.
    Awareness is the most important perspective to adopt. I help you recognize those opportunities that are present and available to you now. You have the gift of this moment and now IS the only time to change your life.
    The best way to predict your future is for you to create it.
    My specialty is the ability to see what’s going on with you, and what’s likely to happen if you stay in the same energy. I am not a medium (someone who connects with spirits on the other side), and I don’t make predictions regarding future events. What I do is predict YOUR potential in this moment.
    Contact me here: www.mona.vegas or by calling me at 702-233-4790
    I believe the people who are meant to find me will find me. A session with me is all about you; ideas will come to me for you in a session. I present to you a different way of looking at the unique gifts that you bring to this world. We will work together to help you decide the best course of action to recognize your power and potential.


    in Spirituality

    Do we act like ostriches and stick our heads in the sand to avoid seeing what we don't want to see? Ostriches don't actually do that, by the way. Acutally, they are pushing their eggs around when you see their heads in the sand!
    None-theless, do we hide from truth or unpleasantness? Do we deny consensual reality becase we are  metaphysicians and above "the world"?
    Join John Warren and Ellen Hartwell as they discuss this urgent topic today.

  • Recovery Life

    in Spirituality

    Join us every Friday at 6pm for Recovery Life broadcast live on Blog Talk radio, join us your hosts Minister Rebecca Desormeaux and Bishop Melvin Brown, for in depth discusions on recovery and addiction from a spiritual perspective.

  • 00:23

    Spiritual Freedom Show #137 – How to deal with people you find difficult

    in Spirituality

    We all have to deal with difficult people at times – whether it's an argument at home, a challenging situation at work, or something else. Often it feels like it would just be easier to ignore such people or work around them. But there is a better way you can try. In this two-part series I sit down with Richard to talk about two spiritual ways you can deal with difficult people when these situations crop up. This week, Richard shares a few simple spiritual practices anyone can use to deal with difficult people and even make a difference in the world!
    Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence to discover the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms. Richard has appeared on hundreds of radio shows around the world and is the author of 11 books including Contacts With The Gods From Space and Realize Your Inner Potential, both of which he co-authored with Master of Yoga Dr. George King – his spiritual master.

  • Urantia Paper 10—The Paradise Trinity—§7. The Overcontrol of Supremacy

    in Spirituality

    This week we continue our study of Urantia Paper 10, The Paradise Trinity. We'll be reading and discussing Section 7. The Overcontrol of Supremacy.

  • New Moon in Leo - 144k Mass Meditation

    in Spirituality

    ...when the 144k do a MASS MEDITATION....
    ...we can expect serious MOVEMENT - as we set our intentions into the field.
    For notifications about free Planet-Wide Advanced Mass Meditations:
    Subscribe to 144K HQ on Patreon: for more empowering & healing content & to support mass meditation promotions to reach critical mass:
    Heaing & Activation:
    144k Legion of Light
    Telegram Channel:
    Brought to you by Return To Your Truth Dot Com:
    Call in number to continue after the 2 hour mark: 1-518-318-5638 

  • Babaji Says Rejoice In Your Spiritual Rewards

    in Spirituality

    Hello and welcome to Babaji Radio.  We welcome you as our honored guests in this month's radio show.
    Prophet Babaji available for phone and chat readings instantly.  You can reach Babaji by calling 1-888-626-7386 ext. 160181. You can visit his website through this link: https://jslink.co/gurujihhprophetbabaji.  
    You can learn more about Babaji through his website: http://bit.do/gurujihhprophetbabaji and his new site https://lwguide.com/lwguide/guruji-hh-prophet-babaji/. 
    Email your name, date of birth, your person(s) of interest's name(s) and date(s) of birth and your questions to gurujihhprophetbabaji@gmail.com.
    You can also check out Prophet Babaji's social media sites by going to https://jslink.co/Prophet_Babaji_social_media. 
    For entertainment purposes only. This is not a substitute for professional advice/services. No medical, pregnancy, legal or lotto questions please.

  • Live Readings 845-277-9131 Psychic Medium Toni Greene

    in Spirituality

    Toni Greene is a world renowned Psychic Medium, Hosts 3 TV Shows; Create A Life You Love, Healing With Toni & Psychic Medium Toni G, and the author of 7 books. Toni will answer your questions and help you connect with loved ones on the other side. Psychic Medium Toni Greene airs on WSCS, Rude Rangers TV and many Streaming channels. Join Toni https://solo.to/tonigreene

  • 01:04

    Astrology for the Soul - The North Node with Stephanie Shea

    in Spirituality

    What is the North Node and Why is it Important?
    The North Node is a mathematical point in the sky formed by the Moon’s orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth’s path around the Sun. In astrology, the North Node represents an energy that will orient us towards success. The meaning of the North Node in astrology has become more widely known ever since Jan Spiller wrote Astrology for the Soul in 1997. On the 25th Anniversary of Astrology for the Soul, I think Jan Spiller would be proud to see how many people have used her book for inspiration in their lives. While Jan Spiller didn’t pioneer the concept of the North Node, her best-selling book has helped millions of people to use knowledge about this powerful astrological point to change their lives.
    About Stephanie Shea
    Stephanie Shea is a Portland, Oregon-based astrologer who had the honor of being mentored by the late Jan Spiller. Stephanie worked under Jan as a content writer for janspiller.com between 2012 mid-2016, when Jan passed. It was Jan’s wish to keep the website going as her legacy and she asked Stephanie and a small team of close friends and family to maintain her site. Stephanie continues to write horoscopes and other astrological forecasts for the site and is currently working on finishing Jan’s final book about the North Node through each astrological house. To contact Stephanie for a personal astrology reading, email her at cardinalfireastrology@gmail.com.
    Note - this is not a live broadcast, but a rerun from February 2023. 

  • Channeled Messages of Hope

    in Spirituality

    Channeled Messages of Hope is a compilation of channeled conversations obtained through a free-flowing one-on-one interview format with nineteen prominent souls, who, from their unique vantage point on the other side, discuss global warming and climate change. As the climate crisis intensifies, it is leaving many with a sense of despair for the world and their future during this unprecedented time.
    We channeled John Muir, Jacques Cousteau, Theodore Roosevelt, Wayne Dyer, Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, John McCain, Saint Francis, EPA-creator Richard Nixon, and many more. The souls provide insights into what the future holds along with upcoming technological innovations and breakthroughs; meaningful actions that each one of us can take, why this crisis is happening from a higher perspective and what we are to learn; and tools that we can employ for self-care.
    For those curious about the afterlife, the souls also provide a behind-the-scenes look at what they are doing on the other side. What was their experience like when they crossed over? Who are they guides for on Earth? With whom do they collaborate? Do they have plans for another incarnation? They also share surprising revelations from their time on Earth, including the name of Albert Einstein’s co-author of the theory of relativity and what Nikola Tesla really thinks about the electric vehicle manufacturer that bears his name.
    Channeled Messages of Hope will leave you with a sense of peace and comfort about the world and your future and will provide guidance and inspiration on how best to act on behalf of our beautiful planet. Hear the Souls Speak - listen to clips of Sam channeling John McCain, Nikola Tesla, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), Jacques Cousteau, Albert Einstein, Mohandas Gandhi, Saint Francis, Wayne Dyer, and George H.W. Bush on www.channeledmessagesofhope.com

About Spirituality

If spirituality can be considered a movement, it's one of the fastest-growing in the world, and one of our most talked-about topics. Perhaps it's because it has the power to be a conduit for self-definition, born of an inner longing to cultivate a purposeful life and a deeper connection to the universe. Choose from hundreds of shows featuring interviews with world-renowned professors, holistic health professionals and authors, like famed New Ager Deepak Chopra, and spiritual teachers and psychics like Sylvia Browne. Chat with kindred spirits journeying along on how they pursue higher levels of consciousness, through light, energy, chakras, angels, reincarnation, prophecies, alternative medicine, pilgrimages and more. And unlike some religions, spirituality allows for interpretation: your third-eye awakening could manifest in the calm that comes from spending time with your dog, practicing yoga, preparing a sustainable meal. Yes, BlogTalkRadio provides plenty of shows to nourish your mind, body and spirit.

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