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Watson Chapel Gospel Radio

Watson Chapel A.M.E. Church, Gospel Radio Station


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Watson Chapel Church, Gospel Radio Station is where you can hear gospel music of praise. We give him HONOR and GLORY through music. Sit back, relax, and listen to the praise because he worthy to be praised show that will build your spirit

On-Demand Episodes

We have more Black History Gospel Music.Last week, we had female singers. This week, we will have male singers. Men that really gave music to high praiseto our to our Living God. Sit back, relax, and listen to these men.

Black History gospel music from women of God is set for this second day. Blalck women show the blessings that God has given to us from past, present and our future when we beleive.

Black History Month begins.We're set to listen to black female gospel singers.Women who kept the spirit of God alive and the women that are following the steps of them. Black women are high positioned in gospel music. In their... more

It's time for our FAN FAVORITE night, Loved gospel songs are set to give glory. Listening to loved music gives more joy in living with the ALMIGHTY GOD.

We have another show of gospel mass choirs, singing praises to God who is our true father. Sit back, relax and listen to the word of God.

Gospel Mass Choirs are very spiritual sending out the word. God and his son Jesus Christ are worthy of HONOR and GLORY.

We'll continue our gospel concert to celebrate the start of 2022. We'll give HONOR and GLORY to God with our glorious music. Sit back, relax, and listen to songs for our father.

The year 2022 has begun and there's no better way to start it up but by having a gospel music concert. We'll give thanks to God for bringing us up to this year.

One last time of our Christmas gospel music. However, we must always remember this on every 365 days. Because, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,... more

It's our Episode 2 of Christmas gospel music. Giving thanks to the gift that God has given to us. His son JESUS CHRIST.

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