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Watson Chapel Gospel Radio

Watson Chapel A.M.E. Church, Gospel Radio Station


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Watson Chapel Church, Gospel Radio Station is where you can hear gospel music of praise. We give him HONOR and GLORY through music. Sit back, relax, and listen to the praise because he worthy to be praised show that will build your spirit

On-Demand Episodes

To our faithful listeners of Watson Chapel A.M.E.Church, Gospel Radio Station, we have gospel songs that you enjoy most. The ones that really builds up your spirit when you hear them. This episode is for your visits, but it is still... more

February is Black Hisory Month. The time when we think of the people of the past and current time that have done great things for us. We also thank God for giving us those blessings. We can't do anything without him.

SPIRITUAL SEVEN NIGHT. This is the time we give Honor and Glory to God, for he is worthy to be praised. We will listen to seven gospel songs that will open our eyes and look at the blessings that God has given to us.

On this Monthly Gospel Music Concert, we will listen to the end of Dr. Martin Luther King's last speech, "I've been to the Mountaintop". A true beleiver of God and he shaped up America with his speeches and leadership of civil rights. We... more

Last week was the "Men of Gospel". Tonight is the "Women of Gospel" night. Female celebrity gospel singers will have some praise on. Rather being a Man or Woman, you must give praise to the Lord.for his Goodness and Mercy. Gospel... more

It's time to listen to the Men of Gospel. We have male singers with some of their famous songs. Today is the day that only men will sing the praises to the Lord. Next week, we will have the Women of Gospel. On these two shows, we will... more

Today we will read scriptures related with the gospel songs that will be played. Gospel songs have a story or meaning in them. We will LISTEN and LEARN stories of Jesus birth.

It's time to give thanks to God for giving his only son to clear the world of their sins and the teachings of God. We will have some favorite Christmas songs that teaches things that happened in that time. Songs that gives thanks to the love... more

It's the beginning of Season Four. It will be more exciting and joyful. It's no better way to start the season than to celebrate the "Birth of Jesus Christ". Jesus gave his life so that we can have a chance for everlasting life. Let's get ready to... more

The end of Season Three is approaching.Songs that are loved by fans of our website were requested. All gospel songs builds up you're spirit in God. This season will end tonight, but praising the Lord will always continue.

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