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Enhancing Awareness Radio

Enhancing Awareness


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Enhancing Awareness Radio is a radio show where we collectively come together and share our life's experiences to enhance our awareness and begin to grow

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Hello everyone I'M BACK!!! This will be a short show on the vision of the show. I'll share what I've been up too. Why the energy is calling for me to return and all of the great things that I will be covering on the shows to come. Please share... more

This will be a segment with a special guest Rene Hamilton to discuss The False Matrix. Its been said that we live in a holographic universe and most things are not real but rather figments of the collective dream? Tune in to find out... more

This will be a segment where me and my dear friends Tricia will discuss on Dreams and Aspirations. Tricia and I know a little about manifesting dreams and the Art of Visualization and Magic. Today will be an empowering... more

Today's segment will be a show about Self Empowerment and Self Actualization. This show is about how we have experienced Self Empowerment and Self Actualization in our lives. We will share with you our personal experiences and... more

This will be an episode where I will be doing a few Intuituve reading. I will contduct these reading with an Oracle deck. The reading is an intuitive reading going off of your energy. The cards are designed for you to come up... more

This will be a segment where I do one of my Intuitive Energy Reading with a special guest Michelle Charlebois. This reading will be performed with an oracle card deck which represents signposts on the things in which may help to guide... more

Tea Time with Tricia will be a show where me and a dear friend will discuss over a cup of tea hot topics surrounding innerstanding and personal growth. On this particular show we will discuss the barriers we have build up against self love... more

Today's Show is revolved around re introducing myself to the world, where Ive been and what Ive been up to in my time away. My mission is to help in projection of awareness, love, and growth. Much has been learned in my process in... more

Hello everyone! Join me for a short discussion on something very profound that I am learning in a book that I am reading from best selling author Don Miguel Ruiz. Don Miguel is best known as being the author of his new york times best selling... more

Join me and my special guest, my dear friend Robert Cochrane in a discussion on a few things revolving how we understand spiritual awakening? We will be sharing our story our experiences in a question segment surrounding spiritual... more

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