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Proof Negative Radio Show: REAL Patriot News
Welcome to the Proof Negative Radio Show! We have been on air since January 2010. We focus on alternative news, independent politics, & health and wellness.
We reserve the right to go off topic and have fun on air as well.
Freedomizer Radio does NOT embrace socialism, or pursue what the 1% global elites want us to do or think.
We do not monitor this chat room. We do ask everyone check out our website http://www.freedomizerradio.com where everyone can listen live
NOTE: Blog Talk Radio Is closing their doors soon! Out last show on here will be January 12, 2025. We will have a new host & be back on air Monday, February 10, 2025. Please go to Freedomizerradio.com and keep in touch with us!
Restoring Our Republic Gibson Media 2025 battle for the Republic
Restoring Our Republic Gibson Media 2025 battle for the Republic
Recovery Now with Kim Justus on Brain Injury Radio Move as Blog Talk Departs
Many of you have heard that Blog Talk Radio is closing their operation any day now. We're SAD because we've run Brain Injury Radio broadcasts & On Demand Programming there since 2009. So many great hosts and listeners. We're MAD because they gave us so little notice to make other arrangements. They aren't going on, but our shows will be!
We're going to have a two part means of doing this new arrangement. We will broadcast from Zoom (Download your free Zoom account now if you haven't already) and then watch for announcements on social media for the invitation link to join us live. After the live show, it will be transferred over to Spreaker for listening at your pleasure.
Now the link below showing a new page highlighting all shows in our history since 2009! After clicking link below find your banner or fave hosts' & click it. Poof. All of your programs (or most - more to transfer for currently active shows) - and you will be able to preview our new home for On Demand programs. Know you will enjoy hearing the shows, as well as forwarding the link to people looking for support, awareness and advocacy regarding brain injury. Pretty cool for each show to have its own page! We appreciate you all so much for your contributions over the years.
Unfortunately I will be missing our launch due to major surgery in a couple weeks that will keep me out recovering at least a couple months. When I am back I look forward to adding some new hosts to refreshen our platform too.
Join me LIVE tonight for questions, comments, last show with music for a while-Good-byes to Blog Talk & Hello Spreaker (Owned by iHeart) so we will be streaming large!
Kim Justus
FOLLOW US ON https://resolutionrdo.podbean.com/
Support Resolution RADIO. Every $ helps us upgrade
Check, M.O. to Sonny Thomas or well concealed cash to P.O. Box 27 Springboro, Ohio 45066
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Let's Do It Radio - Mz. Inez Sez - Let's Talk About It! - 2024 Journey to 2025
12/31/24 - Let's Do It Radio - Mz. Inez Sez - Let's Talk About It! - 2024 Journey to 2025
Hostess/Producer: Mz. Inez
Topic: Let's Do It Radio - Mz. Inez Sez - Let's Talk About It! - 2024 Journey to 2025
Audience: Worldwide Listeners
Testing 1,2 Testing 1,2
Welcome worldwide listeners to Mz. Inez Sez - Let's Talk About It - Let's Do It Radio - Mz. Inez Sez - Let's Talk About It! - 2024 Journey to 2025. Call in tonight and let's hear from the listening audience and let's just talk about WHATEVER'S on your mind at 845.241.9985.
Missed an episode? Listen ON DEMAND @ blogtalkradio com letsdoitradio.
Donate to Let's Do It Radio - CashApp: $anaisevalcour|VenMo - @Mz-Inez|Zelle
Email: LetsDoItRadio@gmail.com
Share/Subscribe/Like/Listen/Follow us @ blogtalkradio com under letsdoitradio
Call-in/Skype 845.241.9985. Listen, Share or Click link to join during the following time zones: 6P/7M/8C/9E
Animal Advocates Radio “Voices Carry For Animals #468"- Vigil4Elephants for 2024
Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guests will be:Vigil4Elephants Organizers- Sandra Clinger of The Elephant Advocacy Project , Barbara Lovett of Save Nosey Now, and Kiersten Cluster of Elephant Guardians of Los Angeles, & Marilyn Glazer of Lucy's Edmonton Advocates' Project
2024 Vigil4Elephants Team Representatives and Organizers whom will be recognized for their devotion and inspiring super team work- Sam Whincup of Lucy's Edmonton Advocates' Project, and Courtney Scott of Free the Oregon Zoo Elephants, In Defense of Animals and Lucy's Edmonton Advocates' Project Team Member that couldn't be with us this evening.
TOPIC: International Vigil4Elephants Team hold an annual vigil Online Event to remember captive elephants that have passed away in zoos, circuses, sanctuary and temples in 2024.
This event is held the second Saturday of January remembering the deceased captive elephants from the previous year. This is the 7th Year Anniversary for Vigil4Elephants.
**JOIN The World in Remembrance Main Vigil4Elephants Event Sat -Jan 11, 2025 at 2:00 pm est..1:00 pm cst..12:00 pm mst..11:00 am pst Candlelight.** Elephants who suffered and died due to captivity during 2024. (Video taped) Vigil will be seen on Vigil4Elephants FB Page.
Thank You ALL for tuning in! https://voicescarryforanimals.com/
The Mike Douglass Show, Wednesday 01/08/2025
The Mike Douglass Show, Wednesday 01/08/2025 Live interviews and coverage of the devastating Southern California fires
The Best Of Mental Dialogue 2024?
THE BEST OF MENTAL DIALOGUE as BLACK SOCRATES and co-host Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, MARILYN ODUENYI invite special guest MARC RANGER to discuss cuts from the top shows of 2024. CALL-IN 646.787.1691 and #GIVEUSYOUR3CENTS as we listen to cuts from some of our most listened-to shows, including 1. BLACK HISTORY: Who Are Our Unsung Heroes? 2. Why Are Some AFRICANS Told Not To Date AFRICAN AMERICANS? 3. Are Most Men Afraid of Divorce As CAM NEWTON? 3. Do We Need DEI Initiatives To Get More Blacks And Women Pilots? 4. Married To the Revolution: Who Is Mama Tamu? 4. Is It Unrealistic To Fix CHILDHOOD TRAUMA, While Dating? 7. Income Gap: Why Are African Americans At The Bottom? MENTAL DIALOGUE asking the questions America is afraid to ask. ALL I ASK IS THAT YOU THINK
Weekly, we hope that you join us for a spirited conversation about the week's hot topics. We'll engage in a round table debate, in addition to bringing in guests to help us better understand the matters at hand. Join the conversation by calling 8186917348 or clicking on the link. If it's Saturday morning, we are keeping it real. Today,we'll discuss the hot topics of the week. Join us, as we discuss: #DatingOver40, #FeedingVegas, #Jan6Hearings, #Suicide, #SupremeCourtNomination, #ManSpeak, #InMemoriam, #AmericanVeteran, #WilmingtonNCMassacre, #WhiteGovernmentUnion, #DeltaVarient, #MaskUp, #GeterforSenate, #VotingRights, #Infrastructure, #Reparations, #CovidVaccine, #RaceRelations, #BlackLivesMatter, #ReopeningAmerica, #CoronaVirus, #WomenInBusiness, #YourHealthIsYourWealth, #FarmtoTable, #Leadership, #Humanity, #50andFine, #LastingLove,#LifeAsAnOtherInAmerica, #RacisiminAmerica, #Cheating, #MuillerontheHill, #Incarceration, #Abortion, #RoevWade, #MoreDemsAreIn, #TheFutureofWork, #HateOnWholesale, #BlackWallStreet, #BerniesIn, #FriendZone, #StoneIndictment, #SOTU, #HarrisForPresident, #SurvivingRKelly, #BorderWall, #GovernmentShutdown, #LoveintheNewYear, #FlynnSentencing, #StopGap, #CohenSentenced, #HustlertoSavior, #Voting, uni#HouseShift, #SenateControl, #SexualAssualt, #GunViolenceInAmerica, #HurricaneFlorence, #ManafortMakesADeal, #KapernicNike, #Sex, #CohanPleadsGuilty, #TrumpOrgFinanceChiefGivenImmunity, #HunterInditment, #MurderSuicide, #NunesTape, #CohanHasTape,#MaleFemaleRelationships, #TurkeyTension, #12Indicted, #SeperationofKidsandParents, #Supreme Court
Animal Advocates Radio “Voices Carry For Animals #469" - In Defense of Animals
in News
Hosted by Debbie Dahmer aka "Mama Bear"
Guest will be: Doll Stanley- Director of In Defense of Animals "Justice for Animals" campaign
TOPICS: Rise in arrests for bestiality and disparity in sentencing from state to state. Ordinances needed prohibiting the chasing of female dogs during estrus.
Animal cruelty has no boundaries, whether through neglect or intentional acts of violence against animals. Statistically, regions of the United States facing economic and educational challenges tend to foster neglect and intentional cruel treatment of animals. This is where our Justice for Animals campaign rises to the challenge, to promote an environment in which just laws are enacted and enforced.
We are forging strong coalitions in the Deep South that incorporate law enforcement, judges, prosecuting attorneys, humane representatives, and citizens to impact county and municipal ordinances and state statutes on a grass roots level that comes from the heart of Mississippians. We work with law enforcement to share knowledge of animal law, provide guidance in investigating cruelty complaints, establish resources to address cruelty cases, and empower future generation of caring individuals as to how humans and other animals can coexist harmoniously to benefit all
Thank you ALL for Tuning In! https://voicescarryforanimals.com/
Happy New Year and welcome to the Seriouside of the jrilshow. This is the final month that the show will be broadcasted on this platform. Listen up for more details on our new home. In the meantime, we still have business to do here!! It's the Sunday Morning Roundtable were our panelists bring their topics to the table for discussion!!
Let's Do It Radio - Sgt. Parks - Keepin' It Real - OIC - Dr. MLK, Jr Celebration
in History
01/16/2025 - Let's Do It Radio - Sgt. Parks - Keepin' It Real - OIC - Dr. MLK, Jr., Celebration
Hostess/Producer: Mz. Inez
Topic: The 40th Annual OIC Dr. MLK, Jr. Community Celebration - “Don't Give Up the Dream...Keep Hope Alive"
The Yakima Washington community celebrates the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an influential African-American civil rights leader. This day commemorates the National Day of Service, established to honor his life and legacy. Monday, January 20, 2025, the Peace Walk starts at 1130P/1230M/130C/230E following a Celebration at the Yakima Convention Center.
Worldwide Listeners, LIVE this evening, the OIC of Yakima Washington's Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., theme is “Don't Give Up the Dream...Keep Hope Alive". There will be a variety of activities for everyone in the community to come together in unity. This annual event highlights the work of government agencies, non-profit organizations, schools, private businesses, and community members to promote peace. OIC of Washington and these entities work together to plan this important celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Of course, Sgt. James Parks will be keepin' it real...
In case you miss any episodes, listen ON DEMAND @ blogtalkradio com letsdoitradio.
Donate to Keep Let's Do It Radio on the Air - CashApp: $anaisevalcour | VenMo - @Mz-Inez | Zelle
Email: LetsDoItRadio@gmail.com
Share/Subscribe/Listen/Follow us @ blogtalkradio com under letsdoitradio
Call-in/Skype 845.241.9985 or join in the Chatroom. Click link to join during the following time zones: 6P/7M/8C/9E
About News
News, weather, traffic, sports. If it's happening, it's being talked about on BlogTalkRadio. Nothing has the power to move us, motivate us or shake us to our core like what's happening in the world, in the nation and in our neighborhoods. We rely on news for big-picture wants and immediate needs: We plan commutes by traffic reports, our outfits by the weather and our vacations by how the stock market performs. Whether current events happen close to home or across the globe, bookmark this category for in-depth discussions about breaking news and current trends by analysts, authors and educators alike. And if you're fascinated by weather, engage with fellow enthusiasts in conversation about climate change, superstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and more. And it's fun to note that sports – often paired with news, but here a category entirely its own – have rescued many people's social lives, built solely around team schedules.