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HR Happy Hour Network

HR Happy Hour Network


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At Work in America, the longest running and top downloaded HR podcast, focuses on human resources, management, leadership, and workforce technology. The show is hosted by Steve Boese, the Co-Chair of the HR Technology Conference and Trish McFarlane, CEO of H3 HR Advisors. 388438

On-Demand Episodes

HR Happy Hour 235 - LIVE From Ceridian Analyst Day in Hollywood Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish McFarlane Guests: Lisa Sterling, Jayson Saba and John Sumser This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve and Trish recorded LIVE... more

HR Happy Hour 234 - LIVE: The HR Happy Hour Oscars Preview and Predictions Show RECORDED LIVE on Friday, February 19, 2016 Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish McFarlane Guests: Some very special surprise guests! This week on a very... more

HR Happy Hour 233 - Knowing Your HR Potentuial Recorded Thursday February 4, 2016 Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish McFarlane This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve Boese and Trish McFarlane recorded a podcast of a rehearsal on... more

HR Happy Hour 232 - Culture and Technology at Ultimate Software Recorded Monday January 25, 2016 at Ultimate Software HQ, Weston, Fl Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish McFarlane Guest: Adam Rogers, CTO, Ultimate Software This... more

HR Happy Hour 231 - Employee Financial Wellness Recorded Friday, January 22, 2016 Hosts: Trish McFarlane, Steve Boese Guest: Steve Wilbourne, CEO, Questis This week on the show join Steve Boese and Trish McFarlane as they... more

HR Happy Hour 230 - Email Me! Battling Constant Connectivity Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish McFarlane This week on the show Steve and Trish recorded the first HR Happy Hour Show of 2016 by chatting about email and the impact of... more

Follow the backchannel conversation on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour Join us for the HR Happy Hour Show this week as we welcome Peter Cook to the show. Peter Cook leads Human Dynamics, offering Business and Organisation... more

Follow the backchannel conversation on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour The HR Happy Hour Show is back and this week we are really excited to welcome to the show longtime friend and industry expert Jeremy Ames. Jeremy is... more

Join Trish and Steve as we talk with Anthony Abbatiello from Deloitte. We talk a little NBA and then dive into the topic of the day: Workforce Culture and how it is measured and driven. Our guest, Anthony Abbatiello, is a Principal in the... more

HR Happy Hour 226 - BetterWorks and Modern Performance Management Recorded Friday, December 4, 2016 Hosts: Steve Boese, Trish McFarlane Guest: Kris Duggan, CEO and Co-Founder, BetterWorks This week on the show,... more
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