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HR Happy Hour Network

HR Happy Hour Network


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At Work in America, the longest running and top downloaded HR podcast, focuses on human resources, management, leadership, and workforce technology. The show is hosted by Steve Boese, the Co-Chair of the HR Technology Conference and Trish McFarlane, CEO of H3 HR Advisors. 388438

On-Demand Episodes

HR Happy Hour - Episode 83 - 'Leadership in the Social Age' Thursday January 20, 2011 - 8PM ET Social Networking and Social Media are changing, influencing, and at times making traditional approaches to management and... more

HR Happy Hour - Episode 82 - 'The Motivation Show' Thursday January 13, 2011 - 8PM ET This week, in a first for the HR Happy Hour, we turn the reins of the show over to not just one guest host, but two! Join guest co-hosts Trish... more

HR Happy Hour - Episode 81 - 'Emotional Intelligence' Thursday January 6, 2011 - 8PM ET The HR Happy Hour kicks off 2011 with a different kind of show, one that will force us, painful as it may be, to take a look at ourselves and be... more

HR Happy Hour - Episode 80 - 'HR Happy New Year' Thursday December 30, 2010 - 8PM ET Please join us for a special year-end review of some of the highlights of 2010, both from the HR Happy Hour show as well as the HR and... more

HR Happy Hour - Episode 79 - 'The New Communities' Thursday December 16, 2010 - 8PM ET 'Community' might rival 'transparency' and 'engagement' as one of the most often repeated, and potentially misunderstood terms of the social... more

HR Happy Hour - Episode 78 - 'Politics, Religion, and Work' Thursday December 9, 2010 When it comes to what drives alliances and differences in the workforce, generational lines have nothing on politics or religion. In a poll reported on by... more

HR Happy Hour - Episode 77 - 'HR, Talent, and Zappos' Thursday December 2, 2010 - 8PM ET Call in 646-378-1086 Have you heard about a little company called Zappos? What was once a small online provider of shoes and... more

HR Happy Hour - Episode 76 - 'Wellness Strikes Back' Thursday November 18, 2010 - 8PM ET The HR Happy Hour takes a second crack at the topic of 'Wellness' in the workplace with 'Wellness Strikes Back'. The first wellness show... more

HR Happy Hour - Episode 75 - 'HR and Collaboration' Thursday November 11, 2010 - 8PM ET Last week on the show we talked about some of the main workforce challenges identified by CHROs as part of the IBM Global Chief... more

HR Happy Hour - Episode 74 - 'Creativity, Flexibility, and Speed' Thursday November 4, 2010 - 8PM ET This week on the HR Happy Hour show we will be joined by IBM's Dan Roddy - the study director for IBM's Chief Human... more
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